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StackOverflow contirbution Answered this question today. Wasn't anything complex as the author is very new to programming.I did my best to explain it...
OOP task So today I wrote the last class needed for the task! Quite glad with the results, this task had a lot of OOP and Java concept in it. Had to...
OOP task I ran into a setback that I never encountered before. There is a class that needs to have a field of it updated, according to how many...
OOP task Keeping on my OOP task for now! further implemented every interface and abstract classes. Will have 1 more class code to put down and I'm...
StackOverflow, Java, Data Structures StackOverflow contribution Answered a question on a singly linked list implementation. The question was not very...
StackOverflow, Software, Java, Algorithms, Recursion StackOverflow contribution Answered a question on SOF. The author needed an algorithm to...